We welcome you to either Suðureyri or Flateyri for your dream sea angling trip!

Fishing in Suðureyri or Flateyri during the summer months in Iceland is a unique experience as the Icelandic summer nights are very short and the daylight stretches long into the night.

Our company was founded by Elías Guðmundsson and his family in December 2000 as a small guesthouse in Suðureyri, then called Hvíldarklettur. In the year 2007 we expanded and built up fishing camps in Flateyri and Suðureyri. From 2009 - 2023 the sea angling camps was owned by our partner Iceland Pro Travel. The founder Elías took the company over again in the fall of 2023 and then the company got a new name: Fisk Club.

Official information

Fisk Club ehf
ID nr: 520101-2250


Skólagata 8
430 Suðureyri

Contact info

tel +354 456 6200



VAT and bank info

Vat number 69961

Bank info EUR

IBAN Number IS530326380001575201012250



Owner of Fisk Club ehf is Nostalgía ehf and Elías Guðmundsson is 100% owner of Nostalgía ehf.